DW News!
Introducing Our New Tag Line: "The Fun Begins Where the Pavement Ends!"
And the winning tag line is: "The fun begins where the pavement ends!" This perfectly captures the thrill and excitement we experience every time we hit the trails. It's not just about driving; it's about the journey, the challenges, and the unforgettable memories we make along the way.
New Merch Drop - Club Whip Flags!
Custom whip flags are now available for Trail Leaders and club members. DW flags are available at our cost ($10). Get your flags at the General Meetings, or ask your trail leader!
Project 150 Charity Drive
The Mission of Project 150 is to offer free support and services to homeless high school students in the Southern Nevada area so they can stay in school and graduate.
At Your Leisure
At Your Leisure - Will Oxley is joining the Desert Wranglers Jeep Club based out of Las Vegas as they show him a great way to get into some warmer weather while getting out on the Nevada trails